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What Classifies My Injury As Catastrophic?

Any serious injury can have a devastating consequences for the victim and the family of the victim. This is even more true with a class of injuries known as catastrophic injuries. These injuries an extremely debilitating and generally have a permanent impact on the life of the victim and their family. Catastrophic accidents can occur in a number of different ways, from car accidents to workplace accidents. Whenever these serious accidents occur due to the negligence of another person, the victim must be fairly and fully compensation. At Teal Law Group we a committed to fighting for the rights of injured victims. If your loved one has suffered through a heartbreaking catastrophic injury, contact a compassionate Santa Rosa catastrophic injury attorney. An experienced personal injury attorney will explain to you the full extent of your legal options, and protect the legal rights of your tragically injured loved one.

What is A Catastrophic Injury?

The National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research considers an injury catastrophic if it fits into one of three outcome based categories:

  • Injuries that result in death;
  • Injuries that cause permanent functional disability; and
  • An injury that causes severe head or neck trauma, even if it does not result in disability.

Some examples of common catastrophic injuries include: amputation, paralysis, severe burn or a traumatic brain injury.

Can I Collect Compensation For My Catastrophic Injury?

A catastrophic injury has an enormous effect on the life of the victim and their family. These injuries must be fully and fairly compensated. Several types of compensation are potentially available for victims of catastrophic injuries caused by another party’s negligence.

  • Current and future medical expenses;
  • Current and future lost wages;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Mental trauma;
  • Loss of enjoyment of life; and
  • Any needed rehabilitation services.

An experienced Santa Rosa personal injury attorney will comprehensively review your case and determine if any parties can be held legally responsible.

Contact An Experienced Santa Rosa Catastrophic Injury Attorney

While nothing can truly make a truly make a debilitating catastrophic injury completely better, it is important that serious injuries caused by negligence are fully and fairly compensated. The legal rights of you, and your family, must be protected. The Teal Law Group has a team of experienced personal injury attorneys dedicated to protecting injury victims. In the unfortunate event that you, or a loved one, has suffered a catastrophic injury, contact an experienced Santa Rosa attorney today.

I Was Awake During Part Of My Surgery, Now I Have Severe Mental Trauma

When major surgery is performed, anesthesia is usually administered. Properly used anesthesia is incredibly valuable to patients. It can make a major operation somewhat bearable. If you are going under the knife, you are placing place enormous faith in medical professionals. You expect that they will treat you will prudent care and take every reasonable precaution necessary to keep you safe. You are extremely vulnerable during this time. Imagine the horror of unexpectedly waking up during a surgery, but not being able to tell anyone about it because of the anesthetic. It is a horrifying thought and it actually happens more than you might think. Most victims who are find themselves unexpectedly awake during surgery report severe mental trauma. If you, or a loved one, was awake during surgery when you should not have been you may be a victim of medical malpractice. If you experienced mental trauma as a result, you should seek the services of an experienced Sacramento medical malpractice attorney.

Can I Collect Compensation For Mental Anguish?

Yes, you are potentially eligible for significant compensation for mental trauma caused by medical malpractice. Mental anguish can be very serious, and it is a recoverable non-economic damage in some situations. Specific types of mental anguish include:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fear
  • Grief
  • Trauma

Under California law, there is a statutory cap on noneconomic damages. Noneconomic damage can be difficult to quantify and are often fiercely contested by opposing insurance companies. If you have suffered mental pain from surgery or any other medical operation, you need to speak to an experienced California medical Malpractice attorney. The fact is anaesthesiology errors can be prevented. Medical professionals have a legal responsibility to make sure that things have been administered property and to ensure that all reasonable precautions are taken. When medical professionals fail to live up to their end of the bargain, it can have serious, life changing, consequences for the victims.

Contact An Experienced Sacramento Medical Malpractice Attorney

At the Teal Law Group in Sacramento, our attorneys are completely committed to helping victims of medical malpractice. Finding yourself unexpectedly awake during surgery can be an incredibly traumatic experience. If you, or your family member, has suffered at the hands of an anesthesiologist’s error, you deserve to be compensated for your mental pain. Contact our experienced California medical malpractice attorneys today for a free consultation.

Chiropractors Need Medical Malpractice Insurance Too

Much like other medical professionals, the care given to patients by chiropractors must meet certain legal standards. When a chiropractor fails to provide a reasonable standard of care, they may be committed medical malpractice. If you have injured by a chiropractor in California you should speak to an attorney. You may have a valid chiropractor malpractice claim and you may be entitled to compensation. Contact an experienced Sacramento medical malpractice attorney to learn more about your legal options.

Chiropractors Can be Sued for Medical Malpractice

Despite the fact that chiropractors practice medicine in a somewhat unique way, they can still be held liable for injuries the cause through negligence. According to the Council on Chiropractic Education, a chiropractor receives at least four thousand hours of medical training. Chiropractors are medical professionals, and they are licensed by the state of California. When a patient consults a chiropractor, they reasonably expect that they will receive a proper medical diagnosis and they will be handled with prudent care. When chiropractors fail to live up to this reasonable standard of care they can seriously damage the lives of their patients. Negligent chiropractors can, and should, be held accountable.

Common Types of Chiropractic Medical Malpractice

  • Negligent damage to the patient’s body: If a chiropractor causes a new injury, or substantially aggravates a prior injury, their actions may be negligence. A chiropractor’s body adjustments can cause significant damage to the ribs, back and neck. They have a responsibility to act with prudent care when manipulating a patient’s body and performing adjustments.
  • Chiropractor induced stroke: If a chiropractor is not sufficiently prudent their negligence can even induce a stroke. A stroke can occur when a chiropractor ruptures or damages an artery in the neck.
  • Failure to diagnose a medical condition: Chiropractors are medical professionals, medical professionals have a duty to reasonably diagnose underlying medical condition. If a chiropractor fails to diagnose an urgent medical condition it may be medical malpractice.

Contact An Experienced Sacramento Medical Malpractice Attorney

Chiropractors need malpractice insurance because they can, and do, commit medical malpractice too. An injury caused by a negligent chiropractor can be very serious. If you, or your family member, has been injured by a chiropractor and you think the injury might have been the result of malpractice, speak to attorney immediately. At Teal Law Group, we will review your case and aggressively represent you. Our attorneys will make certain that you get the full compensation you deserve. Contact an experienced Sacramento malpractice attorney today.

My Dental Procedure Went Wrong

Dental malpractice is a major problem in California. When you go to the dentist, you reasonably expect that the dental professional will keep you as safe as possible during any oral procedure. A dentist, and dental assistants, are required to provide patients with appropriate care that meets legal standards. If your dentist fails to live up to this standard, the damage you face can be significant. Damage from a botched dental procedure can be physical, mental or financial. A physical injury caused by a negligent dentist can be very painful, to the point that the injury is completely debilitating. If your Sacramento dental procedure went awry, contact an experienced dental malpractice attorney, to learn about your legal options.

Do I Have A Valid Dental Malpractice Claim?

If you feel like your dental procedure went wrong you might have a valid medical malpractice claim. Victims of dental malpractice are often entitled to substantial compensation. A successful legal claim for dental malpractice has four different required elements:

  • Prove the existence of a dentist and patient relationship;
  • Demonstrate the appropriate standard of care the dentist owed the patient;
  • Show that the standard of care was breached; and
  • Connect the harm that was caused to the patient to the breach of the standard of care.

The majority of the time, the existence of the dentist and patient relationship is not contested. Establishing the appropriate standard of dental care can also be relatively routine in most dental malpractice cases. The key to successfully winning a dental malpractice lawsuit is establishing that a breach occurred and proving that the established breach was the cause of your damage. If for any reason you believe your dentist might have committed malpractice, you should speak to an attorney as soon as possible.

What Compensation is Available for Dental Malpractice?

Once you have established negligence on the part of the dental professional. You must also show that you sustained real damage in order to collect compensation. There are several different types of compensation which may be available to you if you were the victim of dental malpractice, they include:

  • Any medical expenses;
  • Lost wages and future lost wages; and
  • Pain and suffering.

Contact An Experienced Sacramento Dental Malpractice Attorney

If you, or your loved one, has been injured by the malpractice of a dentist or dental assistant an experienced personal injury attorney can help. At Teal Law Group, our attorneys have deep understanding of California dental malpractice law and can comprehensively review your case and determine what steps you should take next. Contact the Teal Law Group today for a free consultation.

Trick-or-Treating Safety Tips

Halloween is a time where children are excited to dress up as their favorite characters and parents are excited to take their little ones out to show off their costumes. However, Halloween can also be very scary, for children and parents alike, when you have people playing tricks rather than giving treats, or giving treats that are really tricks. Therefore, there are specific tips that can help you and your loved ones enjoy your Halloween night. However, if you or a loved one find yourself in a less than perfect circumstance that results in injury, contact Teal Law Group to help fight for your rights.

Halloween Safety Tips

When you and your loved ones are out on Halloween night Trick-or-Treating remember these safety tips to keep you and your loved ones safe:

  • Choose costumes without masks or that minimally interfere with your vision
  • Children should wear costumes that are visible at night or have reflectors on them
  • Before going out, it is best to give your littles a light snack so that they are not tempted to eat candy from their bag before reaching home
  • Children should be accompanied by an adult and older children should travel in groups
  • Carry a flashlight for lighting
  • Do not have your children enter the home or car of a stranger
  • Only Trick-or-Treat at houses that have their porch lights on
  • Avoid costumes that contain replica firearms
  • Do not run
  • Cross the street at the corners and not diagonally across intersections or in between cars
  • Closely inspect all candy before allowing children to eat it
  • Lastly, remove all candy that could cause a small child to choke

Need Legal Advice?

Though Halloween is an exciting time for many, it can also be scary if certain precautions are not met. Do not become a victim due to your own actions. However, if you or a loved one finds yourself the victim of some cruel trick that leads to personal injury please contact an experienced personal injury attorney at Teal Law Group to figure out the best strategy for your case. We are here to help. Happy Trick-or-Treating!

Most Common Medical Malpractice Cases in Sacramento

When you are feeling under the weather, most people first seek over the counter medicine to cure them, and if that does not work they tend to seek medical attention. You trust that when you seek medical attention that you will be provided the utmost care and that the proper procedures will be used. Though most of the time you are, unfortunately, this is not always the case. If you or a loved one suspect that you have been the victim of medical malpractice, it is imperative to contact an experienced Sacramento medical malpractice attorney to seek legal advice.

What is Medical Malpractice?

Medical malpractice in Sacramento, is when a healthcare provider omits or acts in way that deviates from the accepted standards of practice in the medical community that results in death or injury to the patient. It is essentially negligence by a healthcare professional. This negligence by a healthcare provider includes physicians, hospitals, or other providers of health that results in injury or death. Medical professionals are held to a higher standard than most people and are measured against other medical professionals with the same degree of knowledge, skill, and intelligence.

What are the Most Common Medical Malpractice Cases?

The most common cases of medical malpractice includes:

  • Misdiagnosis
  • Delayed treatment
  • Surgical errors
  • Prescription errors
  • Anesthesia miscalculations
  • Injuries to baby during childbirth
  • Failure to acknowledge or act on a test results

California Section 340.5 of the Code of Civil Procedure states that all medical malpractice claims must be brought within three years of the date of injury or one year after you discover the injury, whichever comes first. Therefore, seeking legal advice as soon as you are aware of the medical negligence is of the utmost importance.

Need Legal Advice?

Medical malpractice cases are never easy; however, with the right legal advice medical malpractice cases can be easier. Nonetheless, it is important to note, that just because a patient is not happy with the outcome of their medical treatment does not automatically mean that the medical professional engaged in medical malpractice and that is why it is important to contact an experienced Sacramento medical malpractice attorney to consult about your case. Here, at Teal Law Group we will consult with you about your case and strategize about how to achieve the best possible outcomes for your case. Contact our office today to ensure that your rights are protected!

California’s Statute of Limitations for Medical Malpractice

Though we all like to believe that injuries during medical treatment by medical personnel does not happen, unfortunately it does. Sometimes you find out immediately that an injury has been sustained to you, however, often times, you do not find out that an injury has occurred until later. So in these cases, what should you do? What is the best course of action to take? If you or a loved one have been the victim of medical malpractice it is extremely beneficial to contact an experienced Sacramento medical malpractice attorney about your case.

What is the Statute of Limitations for Medical Malpractice Cases?

For California, the law imposes a statute of limitations which sets a maximum amount of time that legal proceedings can occur after the date of an accident. A statute of limitations is the deadline for filing a lawsuit. Most lawsuits must be filed within a certain amount of time, and if not filed within that time frame, can no longer be filed.

Depending on the type of case or procedure, California’s statute of limitations range from one year to ten years. California’s state law states that for professional malpractice, the period of time during which you can file a lawsuit for personal injury is three years from the date of the injury or if the injury is not discovered right away, then the statute of limitations is one year upon the date of discovery or when you should have discovered the injury, whichever occurs first. Also, at no time shall an action exceed this three year time frame unless the event is tolled due to: fraud; intentional concealment; or the presence of a foreign body, which has no therapeutic or diagnostic purpose or effect, in the person of the injured person.

Need Legal Advice?

Injuries can be sustained at any time during a medical procedure, however, once that injury has been discovered it is invaluable to contact an attorney to determine whether you have a case and to make sure the statute of limitations have not run on your case. If the statute of limitations has been ran then you will no longer be able to file a claim. Therefore, contacting Teal Law Group to receive an initial consultation on your case is beneficial. Contact our office today so that we can help strategize about the best action plans for your case.

Most Common Medication Errors

We, as people, expect that when we visit a doctor’s office and medication is prescribed it will be sufficient in helping make us feel better. If the medicine does not work we tend to go back to the exact same doctor so that they can prescribe us “better” medicine. However, what happens when you have received a medication error? If you or a loved one have sustained an injury due to a medication error from a medical provider you should seek an experienced Sacramento medical malpractice attorney to see if you have a case.

What are Medication Errors?

Medication errors can be harmless to some, however, for others, it can prove to be detrimental. A medication error is any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm. Approximately 1.3 million people are injured annually in the United States following medication errors and unfortunately this number continues to increase making a great amount of medical malpractice claims being filed.

What are the Most Common Medication Errors?

Though there are several reasons for medication errors, there are certain errors that are repeated throughout Sacramento. These medication errors include, but are not limited to: taking too much medication, overdoses, medications interacting with other medications, illegible prescriptions; and staff distractions. Also, studies show that most medication errors occurs with older people because they often times more than one prescription within an eight hour time frame.

There are certain precautions that can be made to minimize medication errors. When your doctor gives you a prescription you should be sure to ask him or her: the name of the drug; the correct dosage; what the drug is used for; and the purpose of the drug. Asking these questions before taking certain medication should keep error rates at a low.

Need Legal Advice?

Medication errors can be detrimental to a person depending on other circumstances. Because of the seriousness that medication errors can have on a person, it is important to seek legal advice if a medication error has created a serious injury to you or a loved one. Contact Teal Law Group for your initial consultation. We understand the complexities of drug interactions and are here to help.

Unsterilized Dental Equipment can Lead to Malpractice Claims

A dentist is expected to maintain a certain standard of care like any other medical professional. When a dentist fails to provide the required level of care and causes injury, the injured patient can hold the dentist accountable by filing a legal claim for dental malpractice. Dentists can breach their duty of care in many ones and one common form of malpractice is failing to properly sterilize all dental tools and equipment prior to use on a patient.

The risks of inadequate sterilization

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sets out guidelines for proper sterilization practices in dental offices. All non-disposable tools should be thoroughly cleaned and sterilized between every patient, all disposable tools should not be used on multiple patients, all surfaces should be properly disinfected, and staff should wear gloves and masks. If a dentist’s office fails to practice proper sterilization techniques, patients could be exposed to the following:

  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Other serious infections

Anyone who believes that their dentists may have used unsterilized equipment should immediately seek a medical evaluation and get tested for infections. If a patient does contract HIV or hepatitis B or C, they could face a lifetime of symptoms, medical monitoring, treatments, and medications. Because these infections are often chronic, a victim’s financial losses can be extensive.

Recovering in a malpractice claim

In order to prevail in a dental malpractice claim and obtain adequate compensation for your losses, you must prove the following:

  • The dentist had a duty of care;
  • The dentist breached that duty of care;
  • The breach caused your injury; and
  • You suffered damages as a result.

In order to prove the above, you will have to gather and present sufficient evidence to the court. It is important to seek assistance from an attorney who has the resources to conduct a thorough investigation into the practices of your dentist’s office.

Sacramento Dental Malpractice

At the Teal Law Group in Sacramento, we are committed to helping injured patients hold negligent dentists liable for their losses. If you believe that a dentist has used equipment that was not properly sterilized and you sustained an infection, you could be entitled to substantial compensation. Please call our office today at 916-448-1010 or contact us online for a free consultation.

Mixing Medications and Adverse Reactions

One of the most common forms of medical malpractice involves medication errors. Statistics indicate that pharmaceutical departments filled more than 4 million prescriptions for medications in the United States in 2014 alone. With the large number of different medications given to patients both in pharmacies and in hospitals, it is not surprising that errors are made on a regular basis. However, because of the severe risks of injury involved with medication errors, medical and pharmaceutical professionals are expected to take adequate care whenever prescribing or distributing medicine.

Questioning patients on current medications

Before doctors write a particular prescription for a patient, they should thoroughly question the patient about their medical history. This includes any possible allergies to medications, any health conditions, as well as any and all medications they are currently taking, including over-the-counter medicines. Additionally, pharmacists should check the medications you are currently on to identify any possible issues prior to filling a prescription.

Mixing medications that should not be mixed can cause many types of adverse reactions in patients, some of which may result in the need for extensive medical treatment. Adverse reactions can occur if two medications have similar active ingredients or properties as this may magnify the effects of the medications and may even lead to an overdose. Conversely, if two medications have opposite properties, they can cancel one another out and the patient does not receive the necessary benefits. Finally, combinations of certain drugs can dangerously alter nutrient and substance levels that naturally occur in the body. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports that about 2 million adverse drug reactions occur every year leading to approximately 100,000 deaths.

Common dangerous drug interactions

While a wide variety of drug interactions are possible, certain medications have a higher risk for adverse interactions. The following are three common medications that can have dangerous combinations:

  • Antidepressants (SSRIs) — Can adversely interact with pain medications, antihistamines, or even St. John’s wort supplements.
  • Cholesterol medications (statins) — Should not mix with certain antibiotics, prescription oral fungal medicine, vitamin B complex, or even grapefruit juice.
  • Blood pressure medicine (HCTZ) — Can react with heart-rhythm drugs, decongestants, or glycyrrhizin.

These are only a few examples of drugs that can have adverse reactions and your doctor or pharmacist should always check for potentially adverse combinations before prescribing anything for you.

Sacramento Prescription Errors

If your doctor or pharmacist failed to check what medication you were taking before prescribing a new one and a bad reaction landed you in the hospital, you should contact a Sacramento medication error attorney as soon as possible. Call the Teal Law Group at 916-448-1010 to find out how we can help you.