Santa Rosa Insurance Disputes

Insurance Claim Wrongfully Denied?

Insurance companies are supposed to have your best interests in mind when handing your claims. Unfortunately, they do not always act in your best interest and they do not always hold up their end of the bargain. The Insurance Dispute Attorneys at Teal Law Firm have a comprehensive understanding of the insurance industry, as well as the binding legal requirements of those companies.

At Teal Law Firm, we use our expertise to help individuals who have been wrongfully denied on their insurance claims. Call us today at 707-525-1212 or contact us online.

When You Feel There is No Hope

When you have experienced an accident or illness and then have to fight with the insurance company who is supposed to care about your needs and doesn’t, it can feel like there is no hope. There is hope in the law, and in the hands of qualified and experienced lawyers who are fighting for your rights. If insurance companies have wrongfully denied claims, the law requires them to pay large awards to individuals deserving of compensation.

Insurance Laws, Regulations and Rules

The California Department of Insurance has instituted many regulations, which insurance companies are required to follow when dealing with the people. These regulations handle everything from the kinds of exclusions and limitations the insurance company can include in the insurance policy, as well as procedures, which must be followed when handling a claim.

Your Rights

If your insurance company has denied your claim, you have legal rights:

  • To file a lawsuit against the insurance company
  • To seek financial recompense for the money your insurance policy promises you
  • To pursue financial recompense for any injuries you may have encountered because the insurance company refused to pay the claim.
  • To pursue punitive damages, in some cases. This is money the company pays as punishment for its wrongful actions.
  • To recover a portion of your attorney’s fees

We are experts

The legal team at Teal & Montgomery are insurance law specialists who will painstakingly scrutinize your situation to determine if your insurance company’s denial of your claim was wrongful and in bad faith. Our years of experience in handling these types of cases and successful prosecutions put you at a significant advantage when we are fighting for you.

Contact us today or call 707-525-1212 to schedule your free initial consultation.

Common Questions

  • Implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing

By law, each insurance policy includes an “implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing,” which means that the insurance company is required to act fairly and in good faith in handling claims. Over the years, the courts have ruled that in practice, this means insurance companies must promptly and thoroughly investigate all claims that are presented to them, and must fully pay those claims that are covered by the terms of the insurance policy.

  • Insurance laws, rules, and regulations

In addition, there are many rules and regulations issued by the California Department of Insurance which insurance companies are required to follow when dealing with the people of the State of California. These rules cover everything from the types of exclusions and limitations the insurance company can put into its insurance policy to the procedures the insurance company must follow in handling a claim.

If you have an insurance claim that was denied, it is possible that your insurance company failed to follow the law. Only an attorney experienced in insurance claims will be able to determine this and to help you to secure the coverage to which you are entitled.

Our insurance law lawyers at Teal & Montgomery have extensive experience in representing claimants against insurance companies who have wrongfully, and in bad faith, denied coverage. Our attorneys know the insurance industry well, and are able to bring their extensive experience of this industry, and their knowledge of the rules and regulations covering it, to help you get your claim paid.

When an insurance company wrongfully denies a claim, often referred to as a bad faith denial, you have these legal rights:

  • To file a lawsuit against the company
  • To seek compensation for the money owed to you under your insurance policy
  • To seek compensation for any harm you may have suffered because of your insurance company’s refusal to pay the claim.
  • In some cases, to seek punitive damages—money that the insurance company must pay as a punishment for its misdeeds (Punitive damages are meant to create a strong incentive for insurance companies to follow the law and pay claims that are covered by the policies they sell.)
  • To recover a part of the attorney’s fees when bringing a case against your insurance company for a wrongful denial

Insurance cases are complex and can be confusing. There are many laws, rules, and regulations governing insurance companies and the language of the insurance policy covering your claim may be difficult to understand.

You will need to hire an attorney who is experienced and knowledgeable in these types of cases. The attorneys at Teal & Montgomery are insurance law specialists who will thoroughly examine your situation to determine if your insurance company’s denial of your claim was wrongful and in bad faith. We have years of experience in handling these types of cases and have successfully prosecuted many lawsuits against insurance companies who have broken the law and their promises to their insureds.

Often, just bringing us into your case will prompt your insurance company to pay your claim. If not, we are well equipped to file a lawsuit and recover for you the full compensation to which the law entitles you under your policy.

We welcome you to contact us or call 707-525-1212 to schedule a free initial consultation at your convenience