A deadly pedestrian accident in Carmel Valley just days ago is once again highlighting the dangers of drinking and driving for not only our readers here in Santa Rosa but others across the state this month. And while the driver has been arrested and is being held in the Monterey County Jail at this time, investigators from the California Highway Patrol say that they need more evidence before a final decision can be made about the case.
The main hold up may have to do with the fact that both the driver and the pedestrian were intoxicated at the time of the serious accident. Police say that the 25-year-old pedestrian had been drinking at a local restaurant with her friends late one night when she decided to walk home instead of drive. But this proved fatal when she was struck by a 28-year-old driver who was also intoxicated. The pedestrian later died at a local hospital from her catastrophic injuries.
Although the driver admitted to police that she felt a bump and continued to drive after the accident, she says she eventually turned around to see what she had hit. Police say that she stayed at the accident scene when she realized she had hit a person.
But investigators admit that a crucial piece in the case will be determining where the pedestrian was when the accident occurred. Had she been walking on the shoulder or was she in the middle of the road? As our readers can imagine, the answer to this question will help investigators determine who was at fault in the crash while also helping the accident victim’s family decide whether they will file a wrongful death claim or not later on.
Source: KSBW News, “Carmel Valley woman arrested after fatal crash,” Amy Larson, Mar. 10, 2014