Santa Rosa Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

As we go about our daily lives, we live with the awareness that disasters can occur — a house fire, a natural disaster, an ecological disaster or a medical emergency. We take precautions and buy insurance. Unfortunately, nothing can prepare us for the devastation that a catastrophic injury can bring to an individual and a family. A catastrophic injury is life altering and forever divides life into the times “before” and “after” the car accident, construction accident or surgical error.

Contact the Teal and Montgomery Law Firm for an attorney in the Santa Rosa area or anywhere in the Bay Area Our years of experience have prepared us to advise you on how to move forward legally and financially after a catastrophic injury

Defining Catastrophic Injury

The National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research in the United States uses three outcomes associated with catastrophic injuries to classify them:

  • Those that cause death
  • Those that cause permanent, severe functional disability
  • Those that lead to severe head or neck trauma without a permanent disability.

A fatal injury may be caused directly from a trauma encountered while engaging in an activity, or may happen indirectly. Indirect nonfatal catastrophic injury may happen because of systemic failure from exerting oneself while performing an activity.

Types of Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic Injuries differ from serious injuries. While with a serious injury following a traumatic incident you may be able to recover and lead a normal life, a catastrophic injury alters your life so dramatically that life will never be the same. Examples of catastrophic injuries are:

What You Might Be Experiencing

As compassionate professionals who deal with clients suffering from catastrophic injuries, we understand that no words can express how dramatically your life has changed. Your life and that of your loved once will never be the same after a serious car accident, construction accident or any other type of accident that caused your injury. You may have reached this website the day after the accident — or days or weeks later. You and your family may be experiencing some of the stages of grief in response to loss — shock, denial and anger, for example.

Meanwhile, you are beginning to come to terms with the seriousness of the injury and the likelihood of disability for years to come. The sooner you speak with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney, the great your opportunities will be to collect the compensation that you need.

Is Compensation For Your Catastrophic Injury Available?

Was a negligent party responsible for your serious car accident that caused a catastrophic injury? Allow our lawyers to reveal to you the ways in which we will go about determining who is liable in your car or construction accident case. Even if the accident happened while you were performing your job, you should not assume workers’ compensation is your only recourse. Often times, a detailed investigation uncovers third-party liability on the part of a subcontractor, an equipment manufacturer or a delivery or repair service, to name a few possibilities.

Contact A California Serious Injury Lawyer

Our team of dedicated, skilled personal injury and medical malpractice attorneys includes a doctor who is also a lawyer. The entire law firm of Teal & Montgomery is prepared to place a high priority on investigation and preparation of your case.

We welcome you to contact us or call 916-448-1010 to schedule a free initial consultation at your convenience We can visit you in your home or hospital if necessary.