Santa Rosa Adult Sexual Abuse Victims Lawyer

Sexual abuse in childhood has the potential to cause emotional damage for the rest of a person’s life. Victims of sexual abuse may have trust issues, difficulty in relationships, sexual dysfunction and a host of other problems. Some of these difficulties and trauma are experienced immediately and can be difficult to overcome even if a child receives adequate physical and emotional treatment. But these issues can follow a child well into adulthood, especially if a person realizes as an adult the extent of what occurred many years ago.

It’s important for victims of any age to have exceptional support from both psychiatric and legal professionals. If you experienced abuse as a child and are now an adult victim of abuse wanting to pursue legal retribution against your attacker, contact the attorneys at Teal & Montgomery in Santa Rosa. We have decades of experience and a winning team to help you take the steps necessary to achieve justice. Call Teal & Montgomery at 707-525-1212 or contact us online.

Help for Adult Victims of Abuse

If you were abused sexually as a child, it may be difficult for you to even talk about your abuse with anyone. One way you can gain back some control over your life is to bring a lawsuit against your abuser.

We are the law firm of Teal & Montgomery. With offices in Santa Rosa and Sacramento, we are committed to helping our clients right wrongs and obtain a measure of justice. Whether you were abused by a member of the clergy, a teacher, counselor, relative or other adult as a child, we can help you take action against your abuser and others responsible for your abuse. If you are ready to talk to us, we would like the chance to talk to you.

Statute of Limitations

One of the biggest challenges in child sexual abuse cases used to be the statute of limitations. In recent years, California has eased up on the statute of limitations in child sexual abuse cases. These laws refer to only civil cases, instead of criminal cases. In general, victims of abuse have eight years from the time they reached the age of 18, or three years from the date of discovering their psychological damage, whichever instance occurred later. This makes it easier for people who have been injured by sexual abuse to bring lawsuits against their abusers and individuals who allowed abuse to happen with their knowledge.

Are you an adult victim of childhood sexual abuse?

Are you an adult who experienced sexual abuse when you were a child, we want you to know that you are not alone. In the United States, 44% of sexual assault victims are under the age of 181, and 93% know the perpetrator, according to RAINN. Many perpetrators of sexual abuse hold a position of trust or have a responsibility for the care of a child. This person may be a family member, teacher, clergy member, or coach. Whatever may have occurred, the most important thing you need to know is the abuse was not your fault. It is never too late to begin healing from this terrible experience.

Contact Teal & Montgomery

Even with extensions to the statute of limitations in the state of California, it is still a good idea to discuss your abuse with a lawyer as soon as you possibly can.

We welcome you to contact us online or call 707-525-1212 to schedule a free initial consultation at your convenience We will not charge attorney’s fees unless we are successful in your case.